Meet Stephanie, Who Lost 8 Pounds – Has More Energy and Needs Less Sleep!
Previous to the 30-Day-Challenge, I previously loved carbs chips bread daily. My husband was a sugar person. He had to have sugar after every meal and when he was bored. Now sugar literally gives a belly ache and a headache.
In January, my husband decided to have a consult for gastric sleeve, so I started looking into better eating. One of the requirements was high protein. That’s when I came across CFC.
The CleanFoodCrush Challenge seemed to be the best option for us ‘cause we loved food.
The Challenge Plan has showed us that you can cook healthy and clean with a variety of seasonings, and that every recipe you can think of has alternative versions for more personal choices.
The amount of food we can eat is amazing. We always ate well (meaning salads and vegetables) but our portions… YIKES! We had too many carbs and too much fat. We were not balanced.
In the beginning, I had an anxiety attacks over meal prep. Now I am addicted and always have 3 days prepared. I realized that processed food is gross and that eating clean, home-cooked meals is delicious.
My Highlights Are:
- 8 pounds gone 12 inches total.
- My energy level and stamina significantly improved
- I now I want to include a workout
- I used to take a sleeping pill and get 9+ hours, and currently, no pills, and 7.5 is perfect.
- I now know the difference between being full and a stuffed feeling with belly ache.
- My skin is improving I have noticed less fine lines. I never knew wrinkles could go away just by food!
- I never did crave sugar but I sure craved carbs ( chips, crackers). I now have zero cravings and don’t even miss them in my mind.
We do not have any health problems but we were always saying how full and gross we feel. I had lots of heartburn and was very tired all the time. Now it feels like we’re full but free and no guilt. Now I feel full without misery.
Our favorite go-to breakfast is week one muffin and banana – it is so simple and filling. Our favorite lunch now seems to be the Chicken Cesar Lettuce Wrap or Spicy Shrimp.
To be honest, we never thought much about a diet before because we liked food and we liked going out to restaurants, traveling, and we liked drinking alcohol. Now, when we do go out to eat, we can really taste all of the preservatives and tell it’s not healthy eating. Restaurant portions are not acceptable plus it just really cost too much. Better to have a fully stocked kitchen than go out to eat! FEEL BETTER. COOK AT HOME WITH FRIENDS AND LIMIT YOUR CHOICE OF DRINKS BETTER.
The CleanFoodCrush Challenge is cheaper than surgery or a dietician, and you get much more eduction about nutrition.
My words of wisdom are to follow the rules. There’s a lot of flavorful food choices in the Challenge Plan. Just learn to cook better for yourself in your own kitchen. Eat as advised. There really will be results even if it takes multiple months. I never ate kale before and now I crave kale!!
I just upgrade to the annual membership for the Support!!!
I love the accountability and recipes. I am 100% in this for a positive life change.
– Stephanie