Meet Jamie, Who Lost Over 8 Pounds During the 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge!
My name is Jamie; I am 37 years old. I’m married, and we have 3 children, ages 11, 9, and 3. Once our youngest was born with down syndrome, I decided to become a stay-at-home mom to care for her. I was never able to get all my baby weight off because I was pulled in so many different directions between all the kids and their needs and activities I didn’t have time to focus on my health.
After she was a few months old and we got into a routine with appointments and therapies, I really started researching food and health. We started buying all organic foods, and recently I even took some holistic online courses. My problem was I still wasn’t understanding how to eat 100% clean and wanted to learn how to cook yummy meals!
I found CleanFoodCrush and started following them about 2 years ago.
In January 2022, my only new year’s resolution was to take the 30-Day Challenge!
I am so glad I did! It was exactly what I have been looking for….knowledge!
I now know HOW to eat clean and thoroughly enjoy trying all the fantastic recipes!
My energy levels have also improved SO much; I no longer have afternoon crashes where I just want to sleep.
My kid’s favorite so far is Rachel’s pizza chicken recipe, and my husband and I really love the tangy pulled chicken recipe, amongst others!
After the 30 Days, I had lost 8.5 lbs and 2 inches.
I am currently doing another 30 Days and am still losing more weight and having trouble keeping my pants up!
I am SO thankful for the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge as I will use this knowledge and their recipes as our new way of eating.
My piece of advice is, don’t sit there worrying about things like… “Will I be starving all day long? What if I don’t like any of the foods? What if I don’t lose any weight? ”
This program is not a diet. You will NOT be hungry! We eat LOTS of food.
There are MANY different recipes to choose from, you WILL love many that you try, and as long as you make your best effort, you will lose weight!
– Jamie