Hello there! My name is Erin and this is my review of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. I am 35 years old and I live in the great state of Texas. I am a mother of two beautiful boys age 9 and 7 years old. Iâve been married to my elementary school sweetheart for Read More!

We are almost at the end of this holiday season and by now many of us are feeling the impact of too much sugar and all of those excess carbs! As we gear up to ring in a brand new decade, let’s make our health a top priority and reach our goals TOGETHER! Over the Read More!

1. Water Yourself Youâve probably already heard that your body is made up of around 70% water. Your brain depends on water to function optimally and your body need adequate hydration to run effectively. Being dehydrated is the culprit of unwanted weight gain, and even food cravings. The truth is, you may think youâre hungry Read More!
Let's Get Moving!Want to Learn How You Can Join Our Free 30-Day 30-Minute Walking Challenge? *What is it:* CleanFoodCrush (CFC) is hosting a Free 30-day 30-minute Walking Challenge to help you establish a daily habit to Move More! *Duration:* 30 minutes of walking per day for 30 days. No excuses! *Goal:* Walk for 30 minutes each day Read More!

Signs You Need to Care for Your Mental Health Daily self-care practices are important for overall health, but itâs completely understandable if these exercises are often forgotten. The hope is that a few days or even weeks without dedicated time to self-care isnât detrimental to your mental health, but thatâs not always the case. Life Read More!

How Jessica Transformed her Health with the CFC 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge We all know that many people start off the year with health goals. Well Jessica did exactly that! But she’s not only changed her eating, she’s changed her life and is continuing on this journey. Meet Jessica a busy wife and mother Read More!

How to Prioritize Your Health this Year Another year gone, and itâs time to start fresh! The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to set new goals, make progress on existing ones, quit bad habits, and create helpful ones! Whether you want to make big New Year Resolutions or simply focus on Read More!

Tips To Keep Your Energy Up In The Heat The heat of the summer months can be difficult on the body and drain your energy, especially if youâre dehydrated! Yes, the days are longer, and getting plenty of Vitamin D keeps energy levels up, but the heat of these months can actually be more draining Read More!

What are Electrolytes and Where Do You Get Them? Electrolytes play many important roles in your body and are essential for everyone. While the term âelectrolytesâ may make you think of extreme athletes or products such as Gatorade, there are many more ways to get them than just by drinking sports drinks. Read on to Read More!

Understand and Overcome Cooking Burnout With These 7 Tips If youâve ever felt like excessive, uninterrupted stress has made simple tasks like doing laundry or cooking dinner seem impossible, then youâre not alone! Many people refer to this feeling of complete exhaustion, apathy, or helplessness as burnout, which can apply to any aspect of life. Read More!